
Please find below the list of important numbers in case of an emergency:

For other enquiries, email NextFleet Team.

Accident Management

If involved in a vehicle accident:

  • Stay calm
  • Turn off your engine
  • Turn on your hazard lights
  • Do not admit liability
  • Call the below Toll-Free number and choose Option 1

1800 297 900

Roadside Assistance

If your vehicle breaks down and you require roadside assistance:

  • Park your vehicle in a safe location
  • Switch the vehicle hazard lights on
  • Call the Toll-Free number and choose Option 2
  • Remain in your vehicle and only exit if safe to do so. Remain behind any safety barrier until help arrives.

1800 297 900

Traffic Infringements

All traffic infringements and parking tickets are sent to your employer.

  • Your employer nominates the person driving the vehicle at the time the infringement was committed.
  • You are responsible to notify your fleet administrator if someone else was driving the vehicle at the time the infringement occurred to ensure accuracy of accountability.

When passing through a toll point, you should hear a beep coming from your e-Tag. If this does not happen or you are suspicious the device is not working properly, notify your fleet administrator to organise a new e-tag.

If your e-Tag is lost or stolen, notify your fleet administrator immediately or contact us on 1800 297 900 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm AEST Monday to Friday.

Vehicle Registration and CTP Renewal

The payments required for your vehicle registration and CTP renewal will be processed by us.

If a vehicle inspection is required, you/your company’s fleet manager will be notified so that this can be arranged.

Fuel Cards

If any of your fuel cards are lost or stolen, please notify your fleet administrator or contact us on 1800 297 900 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm AEST Monday to Friday to cancel existing cards and issue new ones.

To generate accurate reporting and offer you the best possible advice, please provide your current odometer reading every time you use any of your fuel cards.

Contact NextFleet Australia for NextLevel solutions, expertise and partnership.

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